My account

Basic information

Organization identification number: 36702587
Tax identification number: 2022292943

+421 911 774 469
+421 903 760 165
Bank account for direct debit:
SK02 0200 0000 0033 9618 5251

General terms and conditions

By submitting a binding order, the buyer confirms they accept these conditions of sale (“conditions of sale”) for the delivery of goods – promotional material (“goods”) by the seller. The buyer purchases the goods from the seller via the online shop of the buyer on the following website:

The relationship between the seller and the buyer is defined by these conditions of sale, which are binding for both parties. The conditions further define and specify the rights and obligations of the seller and the buyer. Events not specified in these conditions of sale are subject to the relevant clauses of the Civil code in cases of sale to a general consumer (natural person – not a business) or the clauses of Commercial code in cases of sale of the goods to a business entity.

The seller reserves the right to unilaterally alter or expand the conditions of sale without prior notice to the contract partners. This clause does not alter the rights and obligations created after the expiration of the previous version of the conditions of sale.

Ordering of goods and conclusion of the contract

An electronic order is valid after all the required data and information in the form “order” are filled in. When ordering the goods, the buyer fills an order form on the website of the buyer that includes predominantly information about:

  • Goods ordered
  • The method of payment, information about the requested delivery method for the ordered goods
  • Information about the costs of delivery

The buyer is able to evaluate and change the data entered into the order form before the order is sent to the seller. The buyer sends the order to the seller by clicking the “Order subject to payment” button. The seller assumes the data submitted with the order are correct.

By sending the order and clicking the “Order subject to payment” button, both parties conclude a sales contract subject to clauses of the Civil code if the seller is a natural person – consumer and subject to clauses of the Commercial code in the case of sale to a business entity. Conclusion of the sales contract is not depended on an order confirmation from the seller.

By sending the electronic order the buyer confirms to the seller that they accept all conditions of sale found in these conditions of sale in the version valid on the day the order was sent. The buyer agrees to accept the valid price of ordered goods as found in the price list on the seller’s website, including possible shipping costs, also on the day the goods are dispatched.

The seller reserves the right to request the buyer to provide a written order authorization, depending on the amount of goods, price, shipping costs, distance, etc. If the buyer refuses to provide authorization as requested by the seller, the order is considered invalid.

Warranty and refunds

The rights and obligations of the contract parties concerning errors are subject to the relevant generally binding clauses (specifically the clause § 612 and following of the Civil code and § 442 and following of the Commercial code).

The buyer is required to follow the manufacturer’s instructions, as found on the packaging, when storing the purchased goods. A refund claim will not be accepted if the buyer demonstrably didn’t follow the manufacturer’s instructions or the buyer caused the issue by incorrect handling or storage. The goods to be refunded need to be shown or sent back to the seller’s address in order to assess the validity of the claim.

Refunds are processed without undue delay within 30 days from the date of the initial claim. After this period the customer is automatically entitled to receive new goods up to the price of the original goods or a monetary refund. In case of new goods the refund period starts anew.

Protection of personal data

The contract parties agree that if the buyer is a natural person, they will provide the seller with their name and surname, registered permanent address including the postal code, phone number and email address.

If the buyer is a business entity or a sole trader, they will provide the seller with their business name, registered address including the postal code, company identification number, tax identification number, VAT identification number (if applicable), phone number and email address. The buyer agrees, following the law no. 122/2013 Z.z. and later additions concerning the protection of personal data, that the seller can process and store their personal data, especially those mentioned above and/or those that are required for the seller’s activities, and to enter them into all of their information systems. The buyer agrees to these conditions for an indefinite period of time.

The buyer can revoke the agreement for processing of their personal data in writing at any point. The agreement turns invalid within 1 month from the seller receiving the buyer’s revocation and the data will then be deleted. The operator of the website confirms that the data provided will be used only to conclude and execute the contract based on the conditions of sale as determined by the seller. The data being processed will not be made public, accessible or available to any third parties.

Conditions of transport

The delivery method for the goods (personal, postal, courier, via transport company) are determined by the buyer in their order according to the public price list on the website, unless the buyer and seller agree otherwise, and the goods will be delivered to the address provided by the buyer in their order. Any agreement of alternative delivery method must be agreed by both parties and the seller must confirm it via email.

The goods are sold in accordance with the publicly displayed samples that can be found on the seller’s electronic shop website. Product photographs are for illustration only and the packaging of the goods might be changed due to the manufacturer changing the packaging design.

The seller is obliged to complete the buyer’s order and ship the goods within 10 working days after they received the buyer’s payment.

The buyer is obliged to receive the goods duly and on time from the seller or a person tasked with delivery by the seller. The buyer is required to check the number of items and any possible physical damage to the goods upon receiving them. In case of any issues with the product the buyer has the right to refuse to receive the goods, giving relevant reasons. The refusal to receive the goods without valid reasons is considered as a proper and timely delivery. By signing the delivery note the buyer agrees that the delivered goods comply with the aforementioned conditions and that any later refund claims will not be accepted.

If the buyer presents hindrance to delivery requiring repeated delivery attempts or a different delivery method to the one agreed to in the order, the buyer is required to cover costs incurred by the repeated delivery attempts or the costs of alternative delivery methods.

The goods can be picked up personally at the following address: beer[malade], Starorímska 2, 851 10, Bratislava – Rusovce, Slovakia

Withdrawal from the sales contract

By sending the order, the buyer confirms to the seller that the seller has rightly and timely fulfilled their information obligations according to clause § 10 of the Law concerning consumer protection during mail order sale.

The buyer must withdraw from the contract in written form.

Withdrawal from the sales contract, according to the previous point of these general conditions of sale, must include the buyer’s identification, the number and date of the order, a full specification of the goods, the means the seller should use to return already received payment and especially a bank account number and/or postal address.

If the buyer withdraws from the contract and delivers the goods to the seller, the seller returns the price of acquisition – or a part of the price if only a part of the goods is concerned by the withdrawal from the contract – to the buyer within 15 working days from the delivery of the withdrawal from the contract by direct debit to the buyer’s bank account as specified by the buyer, or by postal order.

Price of acquisition

The listed prices are valid at the point of order submission.

Prices of goods include VAT and exclude shipping costs. The shipping costs are added at the end of the order depending on the selected delivery method.

The buyer is required to pay the seller the price of goods agreed upon in the sale contract and/or according to the seller’s price list valid at the time of conclusion of the sale contract, including the costs for delivery of the goods (“price of acquisition”) by cash on delivery in the place of delivery or by direct debit to the seller’s bank account, as provided in the binding confirmation of the order.

In the case of the buyer paying the price of acquisition to the seller by direct debit, the day on which the whole price of acquisition has been received in the seller’s bank account is considered to be the date of payment.

The buyer is required to pay the price of acquisition to the seller in the time frame according to the sale contract, but at the latest when receiving the goods.

In case of the buyer paying the price of acquisition for the goods to the seller according to the sales contract, the buyer has the right to withdraw from the contract and demand return of the price of acquisition only according to the valid laws of the Slovak Republic.

Acquisition of goods

  • The buyer acquires the ownership of the goods only by complete payment of the entire price of acquisition for the goods.
  • The risk of damage to the goods is transferred to the seller at the point when they receive the goods from the seller.

Concluding remarks

The seller reserves the right to change these general conditions of sale. The obligation to announce changes in these general conditions of sale is executed by publishing these on the website of the electronic shop of the seller.

The contracting parties agree that their communication will be conducted via email.

Any relationships not specified in these general conditions of sale are subject to the relevant clauses of the Civil code, Commercial code, the law no. 22/2004 concerning electronic trade and the change and addition of the law no. 128/2002 concerning the state control of the internal market involving consumer protection and the change and addition of some laws in the law no. 284/2002 according to the later regulation and the Law concerning consumer protection during mail order sale.

These general conditions of sale come to effect for the buyer at the conclusion of the sales contract.

The buyer (before sending the order) agrees that they read these general conditions of sale in full and that they agree to them by ticking the box that they agree to the conditions of sale.