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Monika Nógellová (Beermalade): Horko-sladký príbeh v pohári
Jej manžel miluje pivo, ona varí džemy. Rozhodla sa to spojiť a vytvorila Beermalade – pivné džemy, ktoré sú na trhu raritou. Vyrobila už 92 druhov. Pri štarte biznisu ich bolo ťažké zaregistrovať. http:// https://www.podnikajte.sk/domace-pribehy/monika-nogellova-beermalade?utm_source=fb_status&utm_medium=fb_status_2019-03-10&utm_term=inspiracia&utm_content=domace_pribehy&fbclid=IwAR3b7mi4lW71YNqT81Z2gZUD9-VyyvGKGnJRs5n8PLAsHCf28iJ6zIflQmU
Getting to know Bratislava better – through beer
Bratislava is home to 16 breweries as well as the production of marmalade from beer. Henrieta Valková first noticed many comments on Facebook by expats about their bad experience in Slovakia. Affected by the vulnerability and anger in these stories, she decided to prove that Slovakia was an interesting country with plenty of good-hearted citizens […]